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Remote Job Search API

Provides a list of remote job offers according to various search criteria.

GET /public/remote-jobs

Retrieves a paginated list of remote jobs based on the provided search parameters.

Query Parameters:

  • page (integer): The page number of the results to retrieve.
  • pageSize (integer): The number of job offers per page.
  • langCode (string): The language code to filter the job offers.
  • user_id (optional, string): The user identifier to customize the search.
  • searchString (optional, string): A keyword to search within the job offers.
  • tagsFilter (optional, string): Specific tags to filter the job offers.
  • checkboxFilters (optional, string): Additional filters specified as checkboxes.
  • categoryFilter (optional, string): The category to filter the job offers.
  • minSalary (optional, string): The minimum salary to filter the job offers.

Example Request: